Learning is multi-dimensional, today's edtech is not
Most edtech efficacy studies build on learning outcome gains for 5%, most motivated and cognitively aligned learners*, seldom documenting and addressing multi-dimensional learning concerns of the other 95% learners.
With Radics we aim to change this.
Radics is an applied learning sciences lab and L&D solutions workshop that's committed to demystifying the complex and dynamic nature of human learning, and support cognitive, affective, metacognitive and social development of all learners at various life stages.
* The 5% Problem in EdTech efficacy research

Radics Flow [beta]
Radics Flow is a generative AI assistant that helps young learners (9+) develop better metacognition and self-regulation in order to master challenging STEM concepts.
Designed to work with K12 teachers and life skill coaches, Flow brings the best of cognitive, behavioural and pedagogical sciences together to enable development of durable learning skills.

Our Approach
Key Offerings
Holistic Assessments
Deliver progressive assessments that uncover the dynamic nature of learning and explain both cognitive and non-cognitive factors that enable student success
Teacher Assistance
Ensure active engagement and seamless technology adoption by teachers and coaches through workshops, educator tools and assistance
Multimodal AI-Chat LMS
Make learning conversational with a powerful chat interface powered by generative AI, while collecting and processing inputs in voice, text and image formats
Collaborative Research
Collaborate with some of the brightest learning researchers to design innovative education programs that push the boundaries of learning sciences
Success Stories

Dignitas drives impactful collaboration among their partner teachers and school leaders through school and institutional learning analytics.

Dignitas drives impactful collaboration among their partner teachers and school leaders through school and institutional learning analytics.
Learning Links Foundation delivers multilingual, chat-driven assessments to power their foundational literacy and numeracy programs.
TFI Delhi fellows and program staff leverage assessments of self-regulated learning competencies to improve math outcomes.
Explore our solutions for your school or organization
Rooted in Research
Over the last 3 years, we've collaborated with researchers from Harvard Graduate School of Education, UZurich and IIT Mumbai, to explore multidimensional factors that inhibit or drive learning for young K-12 learners.
Engage with us in conducting exploratory learning research or third-party evaluations for your interventions
Our Journey
In response to the first COVID19 wave and subsequent school lockdowns, our first at-scale implementation of intelligent, chat-based learning assistants was realized in collaboration with a rural district in western India. Designed to deliver personalized video lessons and assessments, and relay student grievances, the telegram and Google BERT language model based multilingual solution ensured continued daily teaching-learning support for 15K+ teachers and 140K+ students.
Building on the non-consumer teacher-learner behaviour of using chat as a primary medium of content discovery, dissemination and communication, we open sourced the Radics AI-chat LMS, built WhatsApp API integrations and reached another 100K+ students through B2B engagements with education non-profits in India.
These advances, coupled with the idea of building vectorized knowledge bases that would enable small language models to offer actionable performance improvement advice to students helped us win the promising innovation prize at MIT Solve-Jacobs Foundation conference.
Additionally, 2021 also brought us to zoom out and take on large scale, systemic concerns in digital transformation of public school systems as we partnered with the World Bank to conduct secondary EdTech research for a regional government in North-East India. The key outcome of this study was a reference architecture for a state-wide digital learning and education management system aligned with India's National Digital Education Architecture (NDEAR) initiative.
We applied our MITSolve-Jacobs Foundation grant to examine a key learning concern in depth - how do we explain learner variability in math performance? This question led us to collaborate with four Jacobs LEAP fellows from Harvard Graduate School of Education, UZurich and IDInsight, and conduct a feasibility study with 745 students from India and Kenya to model self-regulated learning and metacognition skills of 8-14 year old math learners. This study informs the current design of Radics Flow and Radics Flow API, and paves the way for our long-term investments in leveraging generative AI to boost teacher productivity and unlock learner potential.
Also, continuing our commitment to public school systems and open knowledge bases, we mapped and open sourced FLN focussed sequenced learning outcomes and an IRT (item response theory) verified question bank to help early childhood educators meet the objectives of India's FLN mission - NIPUN.
Early 2023, we entered the finals of the Learning Engineering Tools competition, making it to top 60 of the 1000+ global submissions. A strong validation of our mission and solution approach, being an LET finalist solidified our commitment to responsibly leveraging AI in education and connected us to a global community of learning engineers, designers and researchers. This has also provided us an opportunity to close education research-practice gap in our target school contexts by investing in widely accepted research methods and active stakeholder participation.
Over the next seven years we will continue to explore what lies at the intersection of learning sciences, technology and human-centered design, as we bring Radics to demystify the complex and dynamic nature of learning, and support human learning in it's full depth.
For Solutions and Partnerships
We are open to work with and for learners of all age groups. If you'd like to leverage our solutions or collaborate with us for research projects, please schedule a meeting:
For Careers
We are a small team based out of Bengaluru with pilots across India.
Join our mailing list for open positions or write to us with your cv at careers@radics.org